The Foundation
For Value Management Success
Gold has been the symbol of value for centuries. Pure gold needs no interpretation, it embodies the hallmarks of quality and authenticity. Beyond the measurable performance criteria of our Gold Standard is the personal commitment to service and quality of each of our account managers for our clients.
◦ 95+ First Pass Payment
◦ 97+ Collections of Allowable Payments
◦ 90+% Patient Payments Collected In Office
◦ Days in AR Less Than 30 Days
◦ Less than 5% AR over 120 days
Even as we introduce new value generating services, we remain firmly committed to enhancing our Gold Standard with refined measures of quality and enhanced performance that build long term value in each practice. For example no claim is submitted without proof of benefit eligibility and required authorization. Rigorous validation of the practice appointment calendar before a patient visit is a key quality step to ensure first pass payment.
Our practice coaches work with practice front desk staff to ensure reliable customer engagement from payment responsibility determination to wellness focused care coordination.