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The most complete medical office software solution

The AdvancedMD EMR, with its highly customizable forms and workflow, enable each provider to fit the system to their treatment and documentation process.  AdvancedMD supports individual users uniquely, while supporting agreed upon clinic or group best practice processes.

Here is what MDCommerce customers say about AdvancedMD and our support for their EMR and revenue cycle management.


MDCommerce Telemedicine Back Office provides a complete operational platform with remote Medical Assistant, built in revenue cycle management, remote medical equipment monitoring along with the entire cloud suite of remote care technologies: remote secure video and phone visits, ePrescribing, Patient Portal, Online Scheduling, Secure Messaging, Online Intake and Payment and Care Plan follow up.

Whether you are looking for a whole office integrated solution or a Telemedicine platform for your new remote practice or as an extension to your existing practice, the MDCommerce Integrated Medical Information Team can help you achieve the Gold Standard infrastructure you need that will pay for itself and more in patient satisfaction and increased collected revenue and net profit.

For a Free Requirements Consult, or demo of the AMD EMR or Telemedicine platform call 888-339-9504 or send in a request form.
Integrated Technology

Technology Support and the AMD Telemedicine Platform