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Gold Standard RCM

Build Value Through Gold Standard RCM
Keep Your Focus On Patient Care – And Maximize Revenue
AI Driven Gold Standard Billing Underpins Practice Success:

Gold Standard Revenue Cycle Management is backed by years of research by the Medical Group Management Association.  95% first pass payment at 98% of allowable are key performance metrics that drive revenue collection, quality of care and patient satisfaction.

Achieving Gold Standard is tied to data accuracy.  Each step in your patient care workflow from checking a patient’s eligibility when they call for an appointment, collection of their insurance and benefit package, determining their deductible status, getting a pre-authorization when needed, documenting care and tracking payment for each service are the keys to getting paid . 

Fortunately managing each step of the revenue cycle for Gold Standard full payment has new solutions. The right combination of AI technology, process and experienced staff delivers maximized results.

With all the variables of payer policy, and patient insurance status in flux, securing full payment on all claims in your practice requires a the right combination of  data management and experienced staffing to ensure each claim is followed to full payment.